Ocean data analysis

Ocean Mover’s Distance: Using Optimal Transport for Analyzing Oceanographic Data Sangwon Hyun, Aditya Mishra, Christopher L. Follett Bror Jonsson, Gemma Kulk, Gael Forget, Marie-Fanny Racault, Thomas Jackson, Stephanie Dutkiewic, Christian L. Müller, and Jacob Bien Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2022)

Density-based Approaches to Evaluate Biogeochemical Models by Satellite Derived Chlorophyll Bror F. Jönsson, Christopher L. Follett, Jacob Bien, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Sangwon Hyun, Gemma Kulk, Gael Forget, Christian L. Müller, Marie-Fanny Racault, Christopher N. Hill, Thomas Jackson, Shubha Sathyendranath In revision with AGU Biogeochemical Cycles (2021)

A Flexible Bayesian Approach to Estimating Size-structured Matrix Population Models Kristof Glauninger, Jann Paul Mattern, Greg Britten, John Casey, Sangwon Hyun, Zhen Wu, E. Virginia Armbrust, Zaid Harchaoui, François Ribalet PLOS Computational Biology (2021)

Modeling Cell Populations Measured By Flow Cytometry With Covariates Using Sparse Mixture of Regressions Sangwon Hyun, Mattias Rolf Cape, François Ribalet, Jacob Bien To appear, Annals of Applied Statistics (2022)

Identification of Microbial Metabolic Functional Guilds from Large Genomic Datasets Ryan Reynolds, Sangwon Hyun, Benjamin Tully, Jacob Bien, Naomi M. Levine In submission (2022)

Changepoint detection and selective inference

Post-selection Inference for Changepoint Detection Algorithms with Application to Copy Number Variation Data Sangwon Hyun, Kevin Lin, Max G'Sell, Ryan Tibshirani Biometrics (2020)

Exact Post-Selection Inference for the Generalized Lasso Path Sangwon Hyun, Max G'Sell, Ryan Tibshirani Electronic Journal of Statistics (2018)

Infectious disease modeling and forecasting

An Open Repository of Real-Time COVID-19 Indicators Various authors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021)

Can Auxiliary Indicators Improve COVID-19 Forecasting and Hotspot Prediction? Daniel J. McDonald, Jacob Bien, Alden Green, Addison J. Hu, Nat DeFries, Sangwon Hyun, Natalia L. Oliveira, James Sharpnack, Jingjing Tang, Robert Tibshirani, Valérie Ventura, Larry Wasserman, Ryan Tibshirani Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021)

Nonmechanistic Forecasts of Seasonal Influenza with Iterative One-week-ahead Distributions Logan Brooks, David Farrow, Sangwon Hyun, Ryan Tibshirani, Roni Rosenfeld PLOS Computational Biology (2018)

A Human Judgment Approach to Epidemiological Forecasting David Farrow, Logan Brooks, Sangwon Hyun, Ryan Tibshirani, Donald S. Burke PLOS Computational Biology (2017)

Flexible Modeling of Epidemics with an Empirical Bayes Framework Logan Brooks, David Farrow, Sangwon Hyun, Ryan Tibshirani, Roni Rosenfeld PLOS Computational Biology (2015)

Risk of Dengue for Tourists and Teams during the World Cup 2014 in Brazil Wilbert Van Panhuis, Sangwon Hyun, Kayleigh Blaney, Ernesto T. A. Marques Jr, Giovanini E. Coelho, João Bosco Siqueira Jr, Ryan Tibshirani, Jarbas B. da Silva Jr, Roni Rosenfeld PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2014)

Collaborative efforts to forecast seasonal influenza in the United States, 2015–2016 Various authors Scientific Reports (2019)

Results from the Second Year of a Collaborative Effort to Forecast Influenza Seasons in the United States Various authors Epidemics (2018)

An Open Challenge to Advance Probabilistic Forecasting for Dengue Epidemics Various authors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019)

Ongoing work

Environmental Drivers of Marine Cell Populations Measured by Flow Cytometry Sangwon Hyun, Timothy Coleman, Francois Ribalet, Jacob Bien

Trend Filtering for Mixture Analysis of Flow Cytometry Timothy Coleman, Sangwon Hyun, Francois Ribalet, Jacob Bien